003 | smart textiles | design research
Material: textile, electronics
Process: tailoring, pattern design, 3D printing, thermal transfer printing, knit technology
research methods: qualitative interviews, Co-Design-Workshops, user tests
Design, REsearch: Hannah Friederike Fischer, Daniela Wittmann, Tiago Martins
assistance: Joanna Wilkans

A Reactive Wearable for Playful Therapeutic Exercising
Space Explorer's smart knit trousers engage children and adolescents in gait therapy exercises outside of medical facilities. Linked to an interactive game set in a light-hearted science fiction scenario, the wearable provides an immersive experience where the player controls the avatar through their movements.
The garment contains embedded sensors and actuators connected by embroidered conductive yarn tracks, using standardized industrial techniques for efficient mass production. As the wearable tracks the user's activity, it provides feedback and positive reinforcement, increasing therapy compliance and enjoyment, and promoting autonomy and a positive outlook.
Developed at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Berlin.
The smart trousers consist of two parts: a functional knitted legging that can be combined with a removable electronic layer. They are designed with inclusive parameters to meet different user needs.
The smart trousers are easily connected to the game via Bluetooth. Integrated motion sensors accurately measure the player’s movements, while LEDs and vibration motors provide real-time feedback during gameplay. The components are embedded using an industrial embroidery process.
illustrations: joanna wilkans
photos: detlev schneider
model: katharina bellinger
video: jos diegel