005 | fashion DESIGN 
Material: textile
Process: tailoring, pattern design, embroidery technology
concept, Design, realization: Hannah Friederike Fischer


WELCOMETOWENDYLAND draws inspiration from the realm of superheroes, challenging and reimagining traditional gender roles. Instead of embracing the exaggerated masculine stereotypes often associated with iconic American superheroes, WELCOMETOWENDYLAND takes its cues from the world of Wendy, a girl's comic book.
Wendy, the comic's central character, is an ordinary girl with a deep passion for horses who has exciting adventures on a horse farm. the project is anchored in Wendy's character and explores the conventions of a stereotypically feminized 'girl's world'.
WELCOMETOWENDYLAND envisions a fictional alter ego for Wendy that manifests in masculine attire, creating a nuanced, "soft" superhero persona.
photos: jan kapitän 
model: yani
hair + make up: deborah meier